Wednesday, 30 January 2008

mik drop 1936
Harold E. Edgerton

Specks SP250 F16 180mm macro lens 3 Studio Flashes Back one set at F22 Front one at F13 Bottom one set at F14 Left one set with diffuser box at F16

Here is an example of high speed food photography which is extremely difficult to get precise as eye should be open to see the strawberry in the air and the other eye must look through the view finder in order to release the shutter at the correct time.Although 250 is the mark off point for digital flash sync speed and will get a clear image with no blurs I felt sometimes that 250 could get some blurred motion in very small objects and especially in dark areas. Also sometimes there is a fraction of a lag time. The way to get around this is either to use a medium format camera which offers a faster sync speed due to the shutter leaf system offered by Haselblad and Mamiya cameras which offer a speed of 400 and 500. One can clearly differentiate between digital 250 and the medium format 400 and 500 and obviously the latter is a much higher quality and generally much sharper.

Saturday, 26 January 2008

Flash £.5
Flash 3.5

s/p 60 F9 Dlash 3.5

s/p 1/4 F9
flash 3.5

Trial shots to try to create a long shot with flash to get a dramatic lighting effect while the background stays in correct exposure. As you can see from the top photograph it has been shot at what 60th of a second and with the same aperture as the bottom one. However, due to the reasonably fast shutter speed the ambiant light (natural light from the lights in the hall) for the sensor to pick up so the foreground object is the only object that it picks up due to the flash. When set at a very slow shutter speed of 4 which would normally create a very blurred shot with just the ambiant light on its own the background and the foreground is in correct exposure as the shutter has enough time to absorb the ambiant light in the background. However, due to the flash it helps to retain a sharp image on the subject

1 Portrait on location
Using low key lighting with portable studio flash .
The photograph will include an NHS night-shift cleaner with mop and bucket in one of the long hallways at St. James' Hospital. The representations of this
character will have to be very carefully thought out so as not to be stereotyped. As above, I have tested out the problems that I may encounter to create perfect exposure on a long scale shot i.e. the corridor. An example of the kind of photograph that originally inspired me is y George Simboni From Portfolio taken with a medium format or a large format camera which I will also use for this shot due to my having access to and RB67 which sinks up to the top speed but will not be used as I will use a 4th of a second shutter speed and will need a tripod also to stop any blurring occurring. The props and models will be easy to obtain as I have friends working at St. James' Hospital who can help me make the necessary arrangements to photograph on the premises.

Portrait/Fashion Shoot Number Two
For this shoot I will be focusing on representations of masculinity such as hunter gathering and carpentry both being very ancient human occupations and the latter in fact being the livelyhood of Jesus Christ. Therefore I could add some meaningful biblical connotations to my work with the use of high key lighting to create a halo effect around figures portrayed such as in the famous "Last Supper" scene painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. I have looked at the work of various artists who have produced very theatrical photographs such as Gregory Crusom and also especially Finlay MacKay whose series of photographs for the Diesel company's advertizing campaign entitled "Today we work hard" won numerous awards. MacKay's house style lighting creates very meaningful photographs that I will try to recreate within the studio.
The photograph will be targeted at men with high disposable incomes of class status A and B
interested in cutting edge fashion
Props and Assistance
I will obtain the tools and wood from my uncle as he has a large collection of old fashioned saws and carpentry tools as well as a bench and timber with the bark still remaining on it. I could do the shoot in the cellar of his house as shown in the photograph below which I took recently.
For this set up I will be using high key lighting and also low key lighting for shadowing effects
I will be using a very fast shutter speed either 250 or higher with the RB going up to 400 so as to capture the actual fragments of wood splintering off as work is in progress for I have already explored this effect successfully with strawberries and cream
For this project I will be working with Tom.

Common Lighting Ratios
Typical flash meter used for calculating lighting ratios
Generalcolor photography
11/2 Stops
Generalblack & white photography
Dramaticlighting, low key
Verydramatic, low key

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Example of High Key Lighting in Portraiture Specks SP 60 F16 Back flash F22 to burn it out. Left flash at 16. Right flash 14

Monday, 21 January 2008

Idea Two.

Product Photo.
To produce a food photograph for Takeaway Service providing Samosas and Pakoras for the Kauser Company
In this photograph I will be showing a pile of freshly cooked samosas and pakoras to attract the attention of members of the local ethnic community living around Leeds Grand Mosque on Woodsley Road, Leeds. It is my aim to produce a staged image with cultural relevance to the food presented to the target audience.
The cloth will be traditional embroidered and bejewelled Pakistani fabric with cutlery and ornaments relevant to the ethnic culture. I will be using low key and high key lighting in order to create a romantic image on the lines of the Marks and Spencer's food advertisements which indeed are intended to represent "not just food" but food in an attractive ambience enhancing the perceived quality of the food itself and portraying the whole life style that accompanies it and to which possibly the target audience aspires .
Props and food
Food will be supplied by the company and also props by the daughter of the chef. Furthermore, as the company is based in Leeds I will be able to have fresh supplies of the food stuffs regularly to create photographs that appear fresh and natural and appetizing. The photograph is intended for an A5 flier for the company and this is also required in the brief .

photo from

Wednesday, 16 January 2008


Product and Advertising
To produce an image for the new re-launch of "Exit" in the Light in February. This image will be an advertising poster either for products or a general advertisement for their shop using high key lighting with a target audience of young trendy people aged between 15-30. I have sent an e mail to Nadine who is the manager there and I am waiting for her response. As this shop has a new location, it is easy for the staff/models to come down to college as it is on the same road. I will also try to style my photographs on the work of Finlay MacKay as the lighting on his photographs is so incredible and amazing. In this series of photographs I will show the Exit company's new range of clothing and maybe a portrait of staff in the shop with post production work on this for the typology These photographs may be published in"Shut" magazine as my friend,Leon, knows Paul, the editor, and perhaps get me commissioned to do an advert or provide photographs for an article in "Shut" magazine.

Back up Plan
To do the same or similar type of fashion shoot for the Vintage/Retro fashion shop, "Blue Rinse"

Lighting and Props
Props are supplied by the company and models too. Lighting will be high key with a white backdrop or maybe on site staged images taken on medium format slide and black and white

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Selection of the images from the low key lighting session using Rembrandt lighting and butterfly lighting before and after the post-production using studio flash increments all set at F.6 and using the reflector to obtain F4 for the highlights on the fill-in flash
In post-production I have cloned and cropped some of the background to create the blackness as the reflector came into the shot. I have changed the curves and contrasts of the RBG and changed the saturation levels, colour tones and sharpness and using the heal tool to get rid of any blemishes or light problems.

Studio Lighting

This product image interested me as either they have produced this using a portable studio flashkit or have done post-production work to put in the background and shots within a studio. I t has been shot with a fish eye which is very interesting for a fashion shoot.I think it has worked very well as it has created a uniquely interesting photographg.

Diesdel Guides to successful living add campaign

"Today we Work Hard" FW 2003 by Finlay MacKay
Adidas, Arena, BT, Diesel, Harrods, Nike, Olympus, Scottish Ballet, Sleazenation, The Face

Finlay MacKay’s first major campaign, shot for KesselsKramer, won awards for Diesel’s dark, gut-wrenching Work Harder campaign. His language continues to evolve with energetic sports shoots and Grimms fairy-tale fashion such as his recent best-of-British fashion portrait for Harrods

Finlay MacKay's work is a perfect example of a dramatic staged image He specializes in these kind of images and uses this dramatic lighting for all of his fashion shoots. His photographs are very distinctive due to his use of lighting and tones. In this series of photographs entitled "Today We Work Hard" by the Diesel Company won him critical acclaim. What is so interesting in his photographs is the way in which he uses dramatic lighting to create meaning throughout the series.The textures and tones of the subjects are also very striking and amazingly well-lit and the framing of these photographs helps to create connotations and relevance to the title. To create this amazing lighting he has either used Tungsten lighting at different positions to the camera with gels. He could have also used flash but this might have created a too sharp contrast between the key flash and the fill-ins
The representations of the subjects depicted are quite neutral in their stereotyping as the women are not elegant with sweat pouring down their faces and the men are dominant and powerful and yet nearly unable to lift up the very heavy trunk shown in the photograph.The subjects show equal authority and power which is politically correct in today's society and show no specific gender roles being adopted.Although the only dominance they actually gain is a sort of power over the audience as they are depicted at a low angle shot with imposing and aggressive body language

portraits wireless flashes

For this photograph, I set up two wireless flashes - one to the left and one to the right, to create detail shadowing, setting the F stop F16For the portraits of the dog I shot directly into the light. Due to this I used a very high F stop that adds detail to the subject but normally shooting directly into the light would result in just a silhouette of any figure. Due to my using flash which highlights the foreground, I was able to get a dramatic shot of the sky and the background in perfect exposure whilst the foreground is also very clear and detailed.