Wednesday 20 February 2008

Harold E. Edgerton
"tennis Player"
This photograph by Edgerton made me think about how lighting can affect the final image
In the 1930's there were no fast sequence cameras and so the way that Edgerton encapsulated the motion of a tennis serve by using studio lights on a long exposure was very effective.
Each time the flash fired in 100th of a second the lighting information was recorded down on film. It is of course a very transient shot, capturing a single moment in time .

Experimental work in multiple flashes at slow speeds
The shutter speed was set at a fourth of a second
f5.6 iso100 with flash at 1-64 on a set of three flash sequence
Due to the slow shutter speed and the flash that was used so it flashed three times when the shutter was opened the flash helped to fix each fraction of a second onto the sensor creating a muliple layered shot

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